holevo@mi.ras.ru, slavnov@goa.bog.msu.ru, farid@hbar.phys.msu.ru, takumi@mail.ru, manko@sci.lebedev.ru, volovich@mi.ras.ru, soliton4@mail.ru, mayburov@sci.lebedev.ru, lutkina@mail.ru, belinsky@inbox.ru, vinitsky@thsun1.jinr.ru, evgeny@lebedev.ru, teodor@ipmnet.ru, mensky@lpi.ru,
bogdanov@ftian.ru, ozhigov@cs.msu.su, ebeniamin@yandex.ru, rudikar@mail.ru, mkstat@mail.ru, smolyanov@yandex.ru, vlzhukov@mail.ru, yusvlad@rambler.ru, Andrei.Khrennikov@msi.vxu.se, douglas.singleton@gmail.com, rabial@mail.ru
Dear colleagues.
I am pleased to inform you that the next session of the seminar on
theoretical physics will take place on Saturday, March, 28, 2009 at
13-00 o''clock.
Professor/Chair Physics Dept. Douglas Singleton will make the report "".(California State University, CSU Fresno, USA). "Anomaly versus WKB/tunneling methods for
calculating Unruh radiation"
Abstract :
We make a critique of, and comparison between, the anomaly
method and WKB/tunneling method for obtaining radiation from
non-trivial spacetime backgrounds. We focus on
Rindler spacetime and the associated
Unruh radiation since this is the prototype of the phenomena of radiation
from a spacetime, and it is the simplest model for making clear subtle points
in the tunneling and anomaly methods. We find the
following conclusions: (i) neither the consistent and covariant anomaly methods
gives the correct Unruh temperature for Rindler spacetime and in some
cases (e.g. de Sitter spacetime) the consistent and covariant methods disagree
with one another; (ii) the tunneling method can be applied in all cases,
but it has a previously unnoticed temporal contribution which must
be accounted for in order to obtain the correct temperature.
We invite you to take part in the session.
Best regards.
Timur Kamalov,
Professor of the Chair of Physics, Department of Applied Mathematics,
Moscow State Open University
building, room 313 or 333.
Metro Station VDNH, minibus 714K, the last stop
Timur Kamalov,
Professor of Physics Department,
Applied Mathematics Faculty,
Moscow State Open University
Home Page www.TimKamalov.narod.ru (button Seminar)
682 14 44 (home)
8 916 293 66 37 (mobile)
Уважаемые коллеги!
Я рад информировать Вас о следующем заседании Открытого Семинара по
физике в 13-00, субботу, 28 марта, 2009.
Доклад профессора Дугласа Синглетона
"Аномальная версия ВКБ-метода при расчетах излучения Унриха" (Фресно Государственный университет, Калифорния, США)
ул. Павла Корчагина, 22
главный корпус к. 313 или 333.
станция метро ВДНХ, маршрутка 714к или 15 минут пешком до ул. Павла
Корчагина, 22.
Руководитель семинара профессор кафедры физики факультета прикладной
математики Московского Государственного Открытого Университета
Камалов Тимур Фянович
Домашняя страница www.TimKamalov.narod.ru (кнопка Seminar)
Тел. 7 (495) 682 14 44
8 916 293 66 37
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