holevo@mi.ras.ru, slavnov@goa.bog.msu.ru, farid@hbar.phys.msu.ru, takumi@mail.ru, manko@sci.lebedev.ru, volovich@mi.ras.ru, soliton4@mail.ru, mayburov@sci.lebedev.ru, belinsky@inbox.ru, vinitsky2008@gmail.com, teodor@ipmnet.ru, mensky@lpi.ru, rubakov@ms2.inr.ac.ru, bogdanov@ftian.ru, ozhigov@cs.msu.su, ebeniamin@yandex.ru, mkstat@mail.ru, smolyanov@yandex.ru, vlzhukov@mail.ru, chernin@sai.msu.ru, andrei.khrennikov@lnu.se, rabial@mail.ru, lsevastianov@sci.pfu.edu.ru, ne@nist.ru, yuri.svirko@joensuu.fi, frolovbn@orc.ru, nshamarov@yandex.ru, doska@scientific.ru, naturetesters@mail.ru, aristov@ccas.ru, mmanko@sci.lebedev.ru, akoganov@yandex.ru, almelkov@yandex.ru, khodunov@niisi.ras.ru, Roman.Rioutine@cern.ch, rylov@ipmnet.ru, aschirkin@rambler.ru, nmitskie@gmail.com, fmichael@mail.ru, bijan64@mail.ru, bijan@jinr.ru, kanattsi@googlemail.com, dgsokol15@gmail.com, slavnov@mi.ras.ru
Meeting n. 113
Dear colleagues.
I am pleased to inform you that the next session of the seminar on
theoretical physics will take place on Friday, 20 of September, 2013 at
18-00 o'clock, Professor, Dr. E. Beniaminov "Phase Space and Quantum Mechanics"
We invite you to take part in the session.
Best regards.
Timur Kamalov,
+7 495 682 14 44 (home)
+7 916 293 66 37 (mobile)
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Moscow, Klimentovski pereulok, 1, Conference Hall
Metro Station Novokuznetskaia, 5 min a walk to Klimentovski pereulok, 1
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